When you launch a published application via the Citrix WebInterface, a WFCRUN32.EXE /? popup appears. Your application will not launch. Your application will launch when you use the PNAgent. Your application will also launch when you browse to your %temp% folder and doubleclick the created .ica file.
This is probably a bug. Starting from version 11.2 Citrix might have changed something in the way the plugin uses ActiveX. When you click an application in your Citrix WebInterface the popup below shows.
There are several possible solutions, but all of them are mearly a workaround (and most of them don’t work)
Reinstall your Plugin. Also re-create your userprofile
Change the location of your %tmp% and %temp% variables to a location without spaces
Disable 8.3 Name Creation by setting this key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem\NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation to 0 (zero)
Disable ActiveX for your Trusted Sites zone by setting this key: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\2\1208 to 3 (three)
Note: Ofcourse for the last key your WebInterface server must be in your Trusted Sites zone. If it’s in another zone you obviously need to change the key for that zone.
In my case the troublemaker was the Citrix ICA-Client Add-On in Internet Explorer.
(Check if you have one installed by clicking tools > Manage Add-Ons and then in the dropdown menu show all add-ons)
This add-on conflicts with HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Internet Settings\Zones\2\1208 key. In our scenario the webinterface is in Trusted Sites (which is zone 2)
The 1208 key represents: Allow previously unused ActiveX controls to run without prompt.
Value 0 = enabled, Value 3 = Disabled.
When you have the add-on installed:
And it’s set to disabled. You need to set the 1208 key to 3 to get a working situation.
And it’s set to enabled. You will not manage to get a working situation.
When the add-on is not installed the 1208 key doesn’t matter. 0 or 3 is both fine.